Dear parents,

My name is Ms. Jenni and I am thrilled to be able to support your students this school year. I am originally from Ecuador and I have been in the teaching field for 20 years. I have worked with English learners, bilingual students, students with advanced skills and students with special needs from Kinder to University level in public and private schools in California and abroad.
I hope we can work together this school year. Our class will continue to support the school’s vision of encouraging students’ highest potential and academic achievement. I also hope we can collaborate in an environment that promotes and values respect and open communication. Your input will always be appreciated and valued.
Our goal this year will be for our students to become independent learners that are eager to learn and advance academically while setting higher goals according to their skills and levels. In order to achieve this, I value open communication about their needs and learning styles.
I am sure this school year will be amazing for all of us.
Kind regards,
Miss Jenni
3rd Grade Expectations
Attendance: Arrive on time. The first 15 minutes of school we eat breakfast, take attendance and check homework. Tardies cause a tremendous amount of disruption to our classroom learning and the one of your child.
Absences: an absence note is required immediately after any absence so that absences can be cleared by the attendance staff. Students are awarded for perfect attendance every month and it is our collaborative goal to support students so they can be on time and present everyday.
Homework: will be collected daily for Math and English Language Arts. Homework will be posted daily on Schoology. The district provides free tutoring after school. For more information, please contact the school office staff and sign up for regular emails with the district. When absent, homework and classwork will need to be made up. Assignments will not be turned in late to avoid disruption in grading.
Behavior: students will have classroom consequences for not following our classroom rules and our school wide behavior policy after a couple of warnings. Students will collaborate to create a list of classroom consequences and rewards for good behavior. Parents will be contacted by email when issues escalate despite warnings. Parent conferences will be held after contacting them via email. If the issue continues, students will be referred to the office support staff per school behavior policy.
Electronics: students are not allowed to bring electronics other than the school’s Chromebook. No smart watches are allowed in the classroom to avoid students from getting distracted.
Materials and supplies: students are recommended to bring supplies only from the wish list. Extra variety of supplies, such as pens with characters or colorful lights, will cause a distraction in their learning. Students do not need to include toys into their supplies. Necessary supplies will be provided by the teacher. Supplies are to be left in the classroom and pencil pouches are not needed to alleviate the amount of materials they have under their desks. Desks need to be cleaned every Friday to maintain an organized learning space.
Projects and special assignments: projects will be assigned in advance so that students and parents can have enough time to prepare and turn them in. Please sign up for notifications from our Schoology website.
Parties: gatherings that disrupt the learning day are not permitted. Parents should email the teacher for a special request if they desire to make a contribution or share anything with the class in advance.
Conferences: conferences will be held at the beginning and middle of the school year. Parents are encouraged to request conferences to provide the teachers with enough input and information relevant to the academic and emotional well being of their child.
Grades: warning notices will be sent home and parents are encouraged to reach out to the Teacher for ways to better support their kid at home and after school.
Communication: the school’s goal is to promote a positive parent-teacher relationship by open and respectful communication. Parents are encouraged to email or request a phone call if necessary should a concern or suggestion arrive. Any concern or communication should be directed to the Teacher in charge of the child in question. Administrators are only involved when issues are not resolved and more guidance is needed. We hope to promote an environment of respect and open communication this school year.
Events: in case of an emergency or a family event that may disrupt the well being of your child, please contact the Teacher as soon as possible so that we can better support your kid. Our school has a Social Worker that might be able to connect you or provide information about resources that may be needed at any time. Any information shared with the Teacher or school staff will be kept confidential. You are not alone! 🙂
Kind Regards,
Ms. Jenni