Brian Jacoby » Welcome to 3rd Grade!

Welcome to 3rd Grade!

Dear Parents and Students,


Welcome to Third Grade!  I hope everyone had a relaxing summer break.  I just wanted to go over a couple of things that I hope will make all of us have a great start to the New Year.

Throughout the year, I expect every student to arrive at school on time.  The first fifteen minutes of class is very important.  At this time I will collect homework, take attendance, and collect any other forms that need to be returned to the office.  Late arrival disrupts the class and causes students to get off task. 


Homework will be assigned every day, (Math, Language Arts, and 20 minutes of reading), with Friday having a reading assignment only.  Your child's homework will be posted on Schoology daily.  The homework assignment is due the day after it is assigned.  If your child is absent, the work is to be made up. 


In our class, I will be using a color chart system for recording behavior.  There are four colors that are used: green, yellow, red, and orange.  Green means that your child behaved well on that particular day.  Yellow indicates a warning, and red is a second warning with a brief time out.  An orange will be given out to students that continue disruptive behavior and I will contact you either by phone or letter to discuss a course of action.


If your child is absent from school, please send in a written note explaining the absence the day the child returns to school. 

Weekly Events
Tuesday - Early Out:  Dismissal @1:40
Thursday - College Day:  Wear College Gear
Friday - School Spirit:  Wear your favorite school shirt or colors (Black and Turquoise)
Background image  Brian  Jacoby`s profile picture
Brian Jacoby
Elementary, 3rd Grade
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Year started at Lake Balboa College Preparatory Magnet:  2002

Grade Level:  3rd 

Subjects:  All

Email: [email protected]

Room:  7


BA in Liberal Studies - Cal State Northridge

M.Ed in Cross Cultural Education - National University

CA Teaching Credential - National University