School Experience Survey 2025 “Please make sure that you complete the School Experience Survey” and email the confirmation to Christina Garcia at [email protected]
2023-24 Athletic Paperwork is Available All students in grade 9-12 that want to participate in sports must fill out all forms (found on Schoology or can be found by clicking the title above) and uploaded to Schoology under Athletic Clearance.
ELAC Meeting Via Zoom 2/25/24 @2:40pm Please join our ELAC meeting that will be on zoom on Thursday 2/25/24 at 2:40pm.
SSC Meeting 12/7/23 at 3:45pm We will meet in the Parents' Center or via zoom for our monthly SSC meeting on 12/7/23 at 3:45.
SSC Meeting 11/16/23 at 3:45pm We will meet in the Parents' Center or via zoom for our monthly SSC meeting on 11/16/23 at 3:45.